In 1987 Dirk Bikkembergs, a Belgian designer, launched his first collection at the British fashion festival in London. It was based on the fusion of fashion and the strength of sports, achieving a provocative and innovative result. It was in 2009 when the company reached another dimension, opening a store in Milan that resembled a luxury apartment. Thinking of young and modern athletes, the BIKKEMBERGS store, in the famous MANZIONI 47, is inspired by football, without forgetting any luxurious detail. Today it has stores around the world. Although in its origins, the designer focused his career on men's fashion, Dirk Bikkembergs now lends his name to a collection of fashion for men and women. The brand also manufactures accessories and complements such as glasses and handbags. Its footwear line offers shoes for women and men, not forgetting its children's footwear line. Find your BIKKEMBERGS sneakers online in our virtual store. Zacaris, your online shoe store, offers you the new models of each collection.